How to Identify a Bug Bite and What to Do With It

Ah yes, summer’s at its peak, and you’re
going out to have some fun. At a barbecue, by the sea, in a park or on
a lake shore. But wait!Who’s gonna bug you, and spoil all the pleasure?Someone very small, but very annoying. Yes, it’s those two-year-old twins running
amuck, spilling the lemonade and pulling thedoggie’s tail. Aren’t they a handful?Where are their parents?Anybody got a leach?Okay actually, this isn’t about them. It’s about some other pests. Yep, Insects. There are zillions of them, and most are innocent
and scared out of their wits of the huge humans. But a few others can bite or sting you and
cause real trouble. Let’s see which ones you’d rather keep
off your party list. 1. SpiderAlmost all 40,000 different kinds of spiders
are venomous. Don’t panic!Not for people. Human skin is too thick for most of them,
and they can’t inject the poison. A spider’s bite usually looks like 2 dots
in a circle. But there are 3 kinds of spiders whom you’d
better avoid: the Black Widow, the Tarantulaand the Brown Recluse. Their bites can cause intense pain for 1-1. 5
hours. Symptoms also include dizziness and shivering,
and it can be hard to breathe. Brown Recluse spiders live in the Midwest
and South of the central US regions. They choose houses, barns, and lofts, and
can hide behind furniture or floorboards. They have a violin mark on the forebody, but
it’s difficult to see it. The Black Widow lives in the whole territory
of the country, usually outdoors in protectedplaces, like heaps of stones or firewood. It has a red or orange hour-glass mark on
the belly. Uh uh, YOU turn it over to look!Tarantula’s bites are very rare and – thanks
goodness !– New World tarantulas are notvenomous. But if you try to disturb him on purpose,
he can throw out needle hairs, which can causean allergic reaction. You get it. Don’t mess with tarantulas!If a spider did bite you, don’t do this:
– put a tourniquet on the damaged arm or leg- cut the wound by yourself trying to get
rid of the poison- eatWash the bite area with soap, put ice on it,
and take a painkiller if necessary. Drink a lot of water. If the bite is on the arm or leg, go to bed
and put it down to stop the spreading of thepoison. To prevent an allergic reaction, you might
need to take an antihistamine. Anyway, if the bite starts swelling or you
feel pain, call the doctor immediately. 2. MosquitoMosquito bites usually look like swollen red
spots about the size of a small berry. They can often be mistaken for a skin allergy. The difference is that they’re usually only
found on open areas of the body, where theskin is the thinnest, and blood vessels are
closer to the skin. Mosquitos very rarely get under clothes, since
it’s dangerous for them. A brightly colored swollen circle is usually
a mosquito bite. It takes its final shape very quickly and
doesn’t change for a long time. A lot of red spots after a walk, or in the
morning when you wake up, are signs of theinsects’ attack. When biting a human, mosquitos inject their
saliva, which contains a blood-thinner, intothe wound. This is what causes the swelling, redness
and itching. An allergy, however, has different symptoms. A rash spreads all over the body, even under
clothes. Rash areas merge with each other and don’t
have a particular shape; they can change theirlook very quickly. Antihistamines help to relieve the symptoms
of an allergy. Some people have an allergy to mosquito bites,
because the body reacts to blood-thinnersin their saliva and tries to destroy them. It’s quite a common thing. An allergy to mosquito bites has the following
symptoms: a single bite can cause an extensiverash on a big area of the body. Often the affected person has intense itching,
and swelling around the bite. A runny nose, and itchy and watery eyes are
signs of an allergy to mosquito bites too. Mosquitos can also carry infectious diseases. If you get a fever, pain in your joints, and
your lymphnodes start swelling after a mosquitobite, call the doctor immediately – it could
be an infection. 3. Tick
A body reacts to a tick’s attack with ared spot in the place of a bite. The insect can stay attached to the skin for
a long time, sucking blood and increasingin size. You can get a tick from any area of forest
or timber, a walk in the park, or even theback yard, if you’ve got uncut grass there. They can also attach to animals, especially
dogs, and catch a ride inside your home onthem. The worst thing about ticks is that they can
infect people with encephalitis, borreliosis and other diseases. Not all ticks are disease carriers; about
80-90% of them are clean of any viruses orbacteria. But there can be an allergic reaction to the
tick’s bite if a person is prone to allergies,has weak health, has been operated on recently,
or gets a lot of bites at once. A tick’s mouthparts allow it to stick to
the skin, deep and firm, without causing painto a human. Ticks are pretty merciful, aren’t they?No. That’s why you might not find it on your
body until the next day, or even several daysafter the bite. Sometimes you don’t notice the tick or the
bite altogether. You’ll face the biggest danger of getting
infected if you live in a region endemic inticks’ infections, or visit it during their
highest activity, from the middle of May tillthe end of September. But one can be attacked during any warm season. Ticks usually stay on high grass and catch
on the legs of people or animals. They choose the grass along paths, since they
can smell the people passing by. Sometimes they climb to the bushes and lower
branches of trees. Having reached a human body, the tick starts
searching for an area with thin skin, whichis easier to bite through. That’s why it often sticks to the belly
or the small of the back, chest, armpits,neck, ears, and the hairy part of the head. If you’ve found a tick on your body, remove
it with tweezers and go to the doctor, evenif you feel ok. Some diseases have a pretty long incubation
period, and have no signs at first. You’ll need to take a blood test to make
sure that there’s no infection. You can also take the tick itself to a laboratory,
where it’ll be tested for infections. 4. Bug
Bug bites look different. Some people don’t notice them at all; others
have a strong allergic reaction with itchingand pain. A bug bites through the skin, trying to feel
for a suitable capillary. That’s why it often leaves a line of 5-7
bites in a row. Sometimes it’s difficult to tell a bug’s
bite from an allergic dermatitis. Bites look like a gathering of micro skin
injuries in the same area, usually makingup a line. On sensitive skin, the line can turn into
a single red swollen spot, and it can be difficultto see the exact places where the skin was
pricked. Sometimes there’ll be darker red spots there. Itching is one of the nastiest effects of
a bug’s bite. The bites can keep itching constantly, and
be painful to the touch. Bugs usually attack open areas of body: face,
neck, shoulders and arms. Hygene is the bugs’ main enemy. So first of all, you’ll need to wash the bitten
spots with soap. At worst, you’ll need an anti-inflammatory
medicine or an antihistamine. 5. BeeA bee can leave a stinger in the spot where
it got you. You’ll have to extract it carefully. Bee stings aren’t dangerous if you don’t
have an allergy to them. The trauma can look different, depending on
the part of body where the sting is. If it’s on a leg, arm or back, the damage
will be minor. The skin gets red and swollen, or a small
thick blotch will appear. You’ll feel a stinging pain and burning. Then the spot around the sting gets white,
and there’ll be a pins-and -needles sensationaround the bite. This happens because of the bees’ poison,
apitoxin. 15-20 minutes after the sting, you’ll feel
an intense itching. The spot where the stinger itself punctured
looks like a small reddish wound. The swelling lasts from 1 to 20 hours, and
reduces with time. It’s quite different if a bee stings you on
soft and sensitive parts – face , neck, head, armpits,
etc. In that case, there’ll be more intense swelling. Your eye could even swell completely shut. And it can last from 36 hours to 8 days. The intensity of pain depends on the person’s
pain barrier. For people with a high barrier, it won’t
be too much discomfort. After you’ve been stung, tend to the wound
with hydrogen peroxide and put ice on it. The cold will relieve the pain and reduce
the swelling. Things are much worse if you have an allergy
to apitoxin. The bite can lead to Quincke’s disease,
and anaphylaxis, which is life threatening. Most people with a severe allergy to bees
will carry an emergency treatment with themany time they’re outdoors. Otherwise, call the doctor immediately and
take an antihistamine to reduce the symptoms. Finally if the bee is musical, it’s best
to leave it bee. Ha. Otherwise, if you squash a bee natural, he
bee flat. So how about you?Did you like my joke?Do you know how to recognize other insect
bites?Let me know down in the comments!Hey, if you learned something new today, then
give this video a like and share it with afriend. But don’t go get stung just yet!We have over 2,000 cool videos for you to
check out. They’re much more fun. Just click on this left or right video and
enjoy!Stay on the Bright Side of life!

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