Food General Survival 

How can you tell if a mushroom is poisonous?

– Hi, it’s Doug!Have you ever found amushroom growing in the wild?Well, this guy in the countryof Zambia found what might beone of the biggest mushrooms in the world. And best of all, it’sone that’s not poisonous. He could eat it. Someone named Isaiah has aquestion about mushrooms. Let’s give him a call now. – Hi, Doug. – Hey, Isaiah. – I have a question for you. How do you know if amushroom is poisonous or not?- Ooo, that is a great question. Mushrooms aren’t just somethingyou can find at…

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Food General Survival 

How can you tell if a plant is poisonous?

– Hi, Doug. – Hi, Landon. – I have a question for you. How can you tell if a plant is poisonous?- That’s a great question. There’s probably lots of food from plantsthat you love to eat. Maybe you like strawberriesor carrots or raspberries. I’m guessing most of these are thingsyou get from the grocery store. All of the foods fromplants in the grocery storegrow in the wild, too, butdefinitely not all of the plantsyou can find in the wild are safe to eat. You might have heard thatsome plants…

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How to Field Dress a Deer with Steven Rinella – MeatEater

At Meateater, one of the most common questionswe get is how to gut a deer. This example we have laying right here is a Coues deer buck,a desert white tail. The fundamentals, what I’m showing you right now, about gutting are standard for all horned and antlered game. You can gut it the way I’m going to show you if you’re going to pack the whole thing out in pieces. You gut it this way if you’re just going to drag it across a forty acre field to your truck.…

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General Survival 

How to Survive a Sinking Ship, According to Science

You’re enjoying a nice dayon an ocean cruise. You’re relaxed and secure. Too bad that a rogue wave, human error, high winds,or a mechanical failurejust ruined your trip. Suddenly, a huge spray ofwater douses your clothes. People are rushing around shriekingand falling over deck chairs. The floor underneath your feet is lurching. Your ship is sinking. So, how do you survive?Here’s how to withstand thedanger of a sinking ship,Long before a potential disaster strike,there are steps you can takein order to be prepared. the captain or a crew member willgive…

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