How to Build a Figure-C Feral Hog Trap

This is a figure c trap that we actually built
todayAs you can see it has an inner C and an outer
CThis outer C kind of serves as a drift fence
So what happens is the pigs will end up circlingthe trap whenever they see bait
And they’ll start circling and they will catchone of these drift fences
you can see there’s one right here by me andthere is another one that’s on the other side
over there. So what happens is they’ll catch one of these
and they’ll start walking in and what we haveis a funnel on each side
And you can see this inner c has 4 foot thatis not attached to a t-post, it just works
as a funnel and it’s tension loaded basedoff of the panel
and it springs shut once the hog has enteredthe trap
The same thing happens on the other side hereYou can see it can catch the drift fence
and it works it’s way in and then it endsup shutting back behind it
Some of the things to note as you can seemost of the t-posts on the inner c are set
on the exterior of the panelsthat’s because whenever the hogs are in the
trap they’re going to be pushing up againstthe panel which push up against the t-post
We’ve already wired the panels together forthe coral trap
So now what we’re going to do is we’re goingto stand them up and start to build the structure
of the trapand then once we do that we’re going to put
the t-posts inso to do that you just got to stand it up on
it’s end and then we’re going to walk theends in to kinda form a C because this is
gonna be a figure-c with a tight c and a littlec
So now what we’re gonna do is we’re gonnaend up using some doubled over bailing wire
to wire the t-posts to the actual panels ofthe corral trap and if you look here the t-post
clipthat everybody uses normally for doing barb
wire fences and fencing they usually willnot hold a hog because if you were to look
at the side right here were you bend the t-postclip around it actually doesn’t make a full
loop around that wire, the horizontal wireSo a lot of the times what happens is the
hog will get in there and it will actuallybend that back up and pop it off the t-post
so then the panel is looseSo what we like to use is actually just doubled
over bailing wire and then wrap it aroundit
If you notice whenever we’re doing the wiringwe’re using the doubled over bailing wire
to wire the panels to the t-post and whenwe do it we’re actually wiring it and twisting
it from the outside of the trap that way whenevera hog comes by its not gonna end up hitting
the twisted wire and possibly breaking itits just coming across the smooth side of
the wire on the inside of the trap. This right here is actually all going to be
tightthis right here is going to end up being loose
and its going to work as the funnelas you can see we bent about the last 4 foot
of the panels on the inside of the trap andthat last 4 foot is not gonna have a t-post
set on it and as you can see the width atthe start of that bend whenever it comes even
with the other panel is gonna be about roughlythe width of an average man which is probably
gonna be about 24 inches or so wide and that’sprobably gonna be about the same width as
what a hog is, you know 24 to about 30 inchesand that way the hog can start out at the
same width as their shoulder and then theycan just walk their way into the trap
another key point is you’re only going tohave one post here like I said four foot before
the end of this inside panel and you wantto make sure that one’s set on the inside
of this panel that way whenever the hogs comethrough they don’t end up hitting the t-post
they only end up hitting the panel and thenpush up against the t-post
Whenever you actually go into baiting thetrap you’re going to want to bait most of
your bait towards the exterior of the trapor the rear of the trap kind of right in this
area here and you want a big pile herethe reason for that being that whenever you’re
actually baiting them you want the hogs tocome in and stay in the back of the trap because
you don’t want them near the front of thetrap piling up and possibly figuring out how
to get out againyou want a small line of bait starting at
the funnel here and then working through thefunnel into the trap
and once they’re in the trap they’re worktheir way towards the back of the trap and
additional hogs will follow them in

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