5 Ways To Sharpen A Knife Without A Sharpener

Hey there my friends, John here, and as the
old saying goes, “A sharp knife is a safeknife. ” So what to do if you find yourself
with a dull knife and the realization thatyou don’t have a sharpener with you? Well,
not to worry, because I’m going to show you5 common items that you can use to put a great
edge back on your blade. If you’re out carcamping, or otherwise have immediate access
to your vehicle, the window can actually makean excellent sharpener. Simply place your
knife on the top, un-coated edge of the window,tilt the blade up until it matches the angle
of the grind on your knife. Now make threepasses along the full length of the blade.
Flip your knife over and make 3 more passeson the other side. Repeat this process a few
times and soon enough, you’ll have a nicesharp edge on your blade. Another item that
works equally well is a ceramic mug. Takethat empty mug, flip it upside down, and place
it on a stable surface. You’ll notice thatthe underside has a portion that’s un-glazed
and exposes that nice ceramic surface. Nowusing the same technique that we employed
with the window, use the bottom of that mugto achieve the same result that we did with
the window. . . A nice sharp edge on your knife. Not near a vehicle or a coffee cup, well,
no problem, because there’s still a few thingsthat you might be able to use to get a great
edge back on your knife. One item that youjust might have along with you in your first
aid kit or personal hygiene kit is a smallemery board. These can make an excellent improvised
sharpener. Just place that small board ona nice, flat, stable surface and begin sharpening
your knife until you get the results thatyou’re after. A method that’s incredibly cool
is that you can actually one knife to sharpenanother knife. Take the duller of the two
knives and run it along the spine of the other. Repeat this process until you have a nice
workable edge on that previously dull blade. And Finally, If you’re near a water source,
you can use a river rock. They make for anexcellent makeshift sharpening stone. Look
for the smoothest one you can find and onethat has the flattest surface possible. Utilizing
your basic sharpening technique, use thatriver rock in the same way that you’d use
your sharpening stone at home, until you achievea nice sharp edge on your knife. Now that
you’ve got that blade back in shape, you canfine-tune it just a little bit more with a
little stropping. Leather belts are greatfor this, but the nylon straps on your pack
can work equally well. Simply hold it tautand make a few passes with your blade, removing
all the burs and getting an ultra-sharp edgeback on your knife. Well, I hope one or two
of these tips comes in handy for you if theneed ever arises. In fact, if you have any
stories to share on ways that you’ve had toimprovise using common items for uses other
than they were intended, please share thosedown there in the comments below. I always
enjoy hearing about that kind of stuff. Notto mention I always like to hear from you
guys as well. And for more outdoor-relatedcontent, tips and tricks, I’ve included a
couple links here that you may enjoy. Anduntil next time, I’d just like to say, “Thanks
a bunch for watching, and take the best ofcare. “

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